Bring Autumn Colours into your Home
Nature prepares for winter by giving us the most stunning display of autumn colours which warm our hearts and make us feel better about...

Variety is the spice of life! An update
We've really enjoyed the last few months working on all sorts of projects large and small for different clients, some new and some...

And so we slowly begin again
How our small business worked right up until lockdown and now as lockdown begins to be lifted, how we are slowly and safely going back to wo

These are a few of our Favourite Things!
A quiet moment and I suddenly realised just how lucky Harriet and I are to be constantly surrounded by beautiful patterns, colours and...

New Year's Eve - Time to reflect on 2018
I'm not sure why I decided to write a blog today but when I did, I found that I had written one on the same day last year! New Year's...

A year ago ....
A year ago, Harriet and I launched K&H Interiors, our own soft furnishings business. It seemed the right time to do so. We drew...

May News
We have both been very busy with lots of lovely new and existing customers and friends, helping with a multitude of projects, using so...

January Sale news and onwards
Our January Sale was nicely busy, right to the last possible moment for ordering. It really gets the Adrenalin flowing as the orders...

Farewell 2017! Here's to a successful 2018!
New Year's Eve is perhaps a good time to take stock of the last 4 months and the beginnings of K&H Interiors. Harriet and I have had a...